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Our Offerings

Honor System Farmstand

Our Local Farm Stand has provided a place for our community to find fresh seasonal

produce, April or May through November or December. 

We stock it 1-3x daily depending on availability and season with our produce, fruit and fresh cut mixed flower bouquets. It is honor system: follow directions on how to add up and pay. Please be neat and courteous with handling the produce, take any compost you generate with you and park  facing Lisa's Kitchen, not parallel. 

The FarmStand is located in from of Lisa's Lucious Kitchen on the south end of Point Arena, CA. 90 Main St, Point Arena, CA 95468


Speciality Cut Flowers


Gualala Farmers Market

We attend the seasonal farmers market in Gualala California. This market takes place from Memorial weekend through October and even into November in dry years. Market hours are 9:30-12:30 ever Saturday during the market season



We supply seasonal produce, flowers and fruit to a handful of local businesses: stores and bakeries from April-November

Find our produce on and off at the following businesses 

The Surf Market, Gulalala CA

The Point Arena COOP, Point Arena CA

Pelican Bread, Point Arena CA

Lisa's Lucious Kitchen, Point Arena CA

Field Notes Bakery, Anchor Bay CA

Cove Coffee, Point Arena CA

Uneda Eat Catering, Point Arena, CA

Trinks Cafe, Gualala CA

If you have a food related buisness and are interested in starting a wholesale relationship with us, please contact us though email

Dahlia Tubers

We sell our extra dahlia tubers. Our varieties are carefully selected for making great cut flowers. To tell the truth, Emma is a bit of a collector, so we end up with fun, rare and new varieties as well. Dahlias are dug and divided in late fall then we launch our pre-sale. Tubers get shipped out in spring when it is time for you to plant them in your gardens in Spring

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